

This past weekend I went through an event that made me question everything I thought was real in my life. Things were getting hard and out of control. I completely lost it. I had no self control and I just wanted things to end. I hurt people's feelings in the process of trying to make things better, which ultimately made things ten times worse. I was crushed, hurt, and confused left with no one to talk to. I didn't know how to react. It was my breaking point. Luckily, everything gets better with time. In the moment, you feel like it is never going to end or get better. What I wish I would have told myself then, is that I just needed time. Because I didn't give myself the time I needed, things got crazy and in the end karma bit me like a bitch. 
Now that a few days have past and the craziness has died down, I am a lot happier. Things with Davis are amazing and because of this experience, our relationship is stronger than ever. There is not one person in the whole world who I can trust like Davis. Sometimes trust is broken do to stupid mistakes, but with time the trust is regained.


I couldn't be happier about my relationship with Davis. He is the greatest boyfriend and I am so grateful for the things he does for me every single day. We are honest with each other and tell each other everything. We rely on each other and we always have each other's backs, no matter what. I care about this boy and he cares about me. It's hard to stay mad at an amazing guy like Davis. No matter what happens, there isn't anything Davis can do to lose my love for him. 

I have a friend/reader who gave me the idea to do a blog post about how to keep a healthy relationship. I figured that at this point, it would be good to write the post because these things are some of things I probably need to remind myself of. 

Davis and I have been together for about a year and half now. People who know me personally know that my relationship is a little different than most normal ones girls have at my age. There has most definitely been ups and downs, just like every relationship you have with a person. I think the thing that has helped Davis and I the most is communication. You have to communicate with your significant other, it is key. Boys are kind of...dumb... I hate it say it, but it's true. Most of the time they won't understand the hints you're trying to give them or the vibe you're trying to give off. You have to be blunt with boys. That is sometimes the only way they'll understand how you're feeling. When you hide your feelings/thoughts from him, they will just build up inside of you and you will finally have a breaking point and all hell will break loose. Because I hid my feelings this past weekend, I blew up. I made the situation so much worse than it needed to be and in the end I ended up getting hurt. If I would have voiced how I was feeling like I normally do, none of the bad stuff would have happened. I know sometimes you just don't want to talk about your feelings, I understand. Even if you feel like your feelings are stupid, talk about them. Boys are a lot more understanding then you think, especially when they care about you. Most of the time, it is all just a miscommunication and things are easy to work out. Now sometimes, it doesn't always go as smoothly as planned and you argue. Make sure that you listen to what he has to say and don't always try to be right. Sometimes, believe or not, you're gonna be wrong. Arguing SUCKS, I know, but you have to buck up and deal with the problem if you want to make things work. Whenever Davis and I bump heads we sit down and talk it out. We figure everything out and in the end, apologizes are said and everything is good. 

A healthy relationship is not one sided. Both of you need to be putting in the same amount of effort. You both have to be making each other happy. Not only do you need to tell the person you love that you love them, but you need to show it too. When life gets hectic, sometimes people forget that they need to show you that they love you and appreciate you. No matter how much someone says it, I feel like they have to prove it as well. If you ever get to the point where you feel like you're the only one putting in the effort and actually taking the time to show them you love them, SAY SOMETHING!! Like I said before, don't hide that he is making you feel this way. Talk it out and in the end he'll probably realize that he hasn't been showing you enough and things will change. It's a fact, I've seen it happen.

There are many things that make my relationship with Davis amazing, but these are some key things we try and always do to make sure we both stay happy. I hope that this advice can help you all whether you be single and waiting for a relationship or for those already in one. If it weren't for these little things, I know Davis and I wouldn't have a strong bond like we do. Heck, who even knows if we'd still be together.

Now these things work for Davis and I, but we have learned how to make things work for US. Please, take my advice and apply it to your own relationship, but don't forget that every person's relationship is different. What works for us, might not necessarily work for you.

No matter what happens in your life, always remember that time fixes everything. Learn to grown from your mistakes (and his, because he'll make some).

what it is, 
of what it was, 
in what will be.


  1. I couldn't agree more, communication is *so* important. I've lost track of the number of ridiculous arguments I've gotten into that were just the result of poor communication.


    1. ME TOO! The number of stupid arguments that start from lack of communication is unreal. Glad you found my blog. I'll have to check out yours. :)

  2. thanks for writing this! I really needed to read this, it sure made me realize some things I need to work on. i'm sorry your week was hell, that is not fun!

    1. I'm glad you gave me the idea to do this post! It's so crazy that the idea came around at such a perfect time in my life. I totally needed to remind myself of a lot of these things. Relationships are hard, but so worth it.


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