

A week ago yesterday this goon I call my soul mate moved to a different state. It was easily the hardest goodbye I have ever said in my whole life. I was lost and I couldn't believe that it was really happening as we moved all his stuff from upstairs, into his parents car. We didn't even break up and I felt heart broken.

Now, a week later, I am doing great. We both have things we need to work on to better our lives and so this was necessary. Our relationship is going to grow and become stronger than it's ever been. I couldn't be more excited. 

So, Davis moved away to Washington because he got into a program at Tacoma Community College and he will be receiving FREE TUITION this semester. I wish he was going to school here, but he couldn't pass up an opportunity to go to school for free, even if it is far away from your girlfriend and your friends. Luckily, he is living with his parents, sister, and brother so he has company and familiar faces. 

I miss him more and more every day, but I quickly learning to cope with the change and trying to enjoy and take advantage of all the 'me' time I am having. I am staying busy and working out harder than I ever have. 

I am so grateful that I have Davis in my life. He has taught me so much about... well everything and I wouldn't be the same person I am today if it wasn't for his example, smile, love, and positive attitude. I couldn't be more proud of him for having the courage to move away from what he is always known and do something that will help create a better future for himself (and for us). 


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