

Tonight Davis, Bubba, Rhylee, and I went to see the lights up at Temple Square in Salt Lake! Even though it was pretty nippy outside, we had a fun time walking around Temple Square, City Creek, and the streets of downtown. This our second year going up to Temple Square together as a group. It's always a good time with these people. I feel so blessed to know them. 
Davis, Rhylee, Bubba, and I
Bubba and Rhylee
City Creek

I hope everyone is having an amazing holiday season! I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of 2013. I am so excited to see what 2014 will bring.



In honor of the last #selfiesunday of 2013, I present to you this...

The many faces of ME!
I had to go out with a bang.



Grandpa Elison, Grandma Elison, Adam, his date Kate, Pendleton, Julie, Dale, Grandma Johnson, D, Sam, and I
On Saturday Davis and I went with his family to see his aunt, Becky, in a musical called "White Christmas". Before the show we went out to eat in Bountiful at a Chinese place called Mandarin. Dale and Julie (Davis parents) stumbled across this place years ago and have been going there ever since. It was so yummy! We ordered a lot of food (family style) and went to work. 

After dinner we headed over to the show house to watch the musical. Becky did an amazing job and the production was really good. (The only negative thing about it was that it pretty dang long... two and half hours.)
It was a really fun night with some fun company!
Sorry for the blurry photos. Some people aren't the best with phone cameras...
Julie and Dale after dinner. (Davis' parents)
Grandpa Elison, Papa Elison, and Davis
Davis and I
Grandpa Elison and Val
Davis, Adam, Kate, Pendleton, Grandma Johnson, Becky, Gma Johnson's sister and kids, Julie, Dale, Sam, and I



Yesterday was such a great day. There wasn't one thing that I could complain about. 
First off, I love Davis dearly. 
He is always finding ways to make me smile. He's the greatest friend a girl could ask for. He's the reason yesterday was so amazing. 
Second, Davis and I had a fun time Christmas shopping with each other. We got all the presents we needed and are set for Christmas morning. After we shopped, we met up with Davis' parents at the Riverwoods. They just flew in yesterday from Seattle and will be here for two weeks. D is super excited to see his family for Christmas, and so am I.

D and I at the Riverwoods
D and D. Davis and Dale (dad)
After hanging out with the parentals, we went over to Braden's (Davis' brother) house. We had a fun night hanging out and playing video games. Braden's roommate has the cutest dog. We were playing with and petting him all night long. It was a great time.

Tonight, we are going up to SLC with Davis' family. We are going to dinner with his dad's family and after we're seeing his mom's sister in a play called, "White Christmas." I'm so excited and there will definitely be a post to come.



HELLO! Sorry I've been neglecting my little blog so much recently. Good news is that I'm alive! I'll be posting more these next few weeks. With Christmas right around the corner and Davis' family coming into town this Friday, I'm sure there will be much to blog about.
Now time for some randoms. 
  1. I heard from my missionary best friend, Ellie, yesterday. She says the MTC is hard, but she is having a good time and making the most of it. I am proud of her and happy for her. 
  2. Davis and I are doing great, as always. 
  3. I've figured out my New Years Resolution(s).
  4. I hate the snow, still.
  5. I live in sweat pants. It's been hard for me to get ready lately because of how cold it is.
And that's about it. Until next time, xoxo!



On Tuesday night I said goodbye to my best friend for 18 months. Ellie will be serving as a missionary in Auckland, New Zealand speaking Mandarin Chinese. I am going to miss her so much! Ellie is my go to girl. She always has my back and is the kindest person I've ever met. Ellie is literally an angel. I am so lucky that she is my best friend. I am so happy for her and excited for her journey! 
I am so grateful for dance. If it wasn't for dance, who knows if Ellie and I would have been friends. From ODC to traveling to Hong Kong, we've gained an amazing friendship through it all. 



This is Mimi! She's been apart of my life since I was in preschool. 
We met in the same preschool class and have been friends ever since. 
Today is this girls nineteenth birthday! 
I am so grateful that I met Mimi fourteen years ago. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIMI! I love you so much!
 Thanks for being my friend all these years!