

This post is dedicated to my mother, Shelle
Since her birthday was on Tuesday and Mother's Day is on Sunday, I decided to give her an early Mother's Day and late birthday shout out.

My mom is seriously amazing! She was (and still is) the 'cool mom' growing up. All my friends were jealous of me because I had such a cool mom. My mom is such a hard working woman. She is one of the hardest working ladies I have ever met. If there is anyone that could teach me how to create a good work habit, it would be her. My mom is so kind to everyone. She is always looking out for other people before she looks out for herself. There are so many traits I wish to take from her and so many amazing things I could say about her so I'll just end with this...

I am so grateful for my mama! Thanks for being so amazing! I LOVE YOU!

High School Graduation 2012



Friday was mine AND Davis' first day of work! We both got a job at a call center called SSI (Survey Sampling International). Although the call center life isn't the greatest, I actually really am starting to enjoy my job! 

This is my first 'real' job. I've taught dance, but I can't really call that a 'real' job. It's been an overwhelming first week. One thing that has helped me a lot is that Davis is literally right by my side going through the same stress of the call center life. He is always pushing me to do better. Somedays he'll have a higher production rate (work talk) than me, and that will push me to do better than him. It's fun to have someone I can compete against. 

Overall, working has been great. I love the feeling of working hard and then getting off for the day. It makes me feel so accomplished. Even though it's been hard, I am so excited for PAYDAY! Money is the motivation! 


Sorry I've been MIA lately. I just started a new job and I sit in front of a computer five hours a day. I haven't had much desire to post on the blog because of that. I have the next three days off so I am planning on playing catch up with the blog and such. You will all hear from my very soon. :)  MUCH LOVE. xoxoxo