

Happy Birthday to my step dad Jeff! I am so grateful that I have such a great influence to help guide me to do the things I need to better myself. He is an amazing guy who is very understanding and loving, even if it doesn't always show. I am so thankful for the countless amount of ways Jeff has helped me throughout my life. 
Love you Jeff Lindsay! Hope your birthday is nice, relaxing, and wonderful.
Love, Nugget


Last night Laci's dentist office rented out the Scera Pool for a costumer appreciation party. Davis, Laci, and I had been excited to go since last week and when the day of the pool party finally came around, the weather wasn't looking too promising. About fifteen minutes before the party, the weather semi cleared up so we decided to head over and see if we could tough it out. We got there and it was definitely to cold to get into the pool, but at least we got some free pizza and and excuse to get out the house. 
I guess we'll just have to go the pool on a normal day... what a shame ;)



too obsessed with these pictures.
July 27th was definitely a day to remember. Davis and Laci's birthday turned out to be such a fun time. We had to get together at Davis' brother's house on Saturday night and luckily my sister was able to come and celebrate with us. I had such a fun night with both of my best friends! How crazy is it that my boyfriend and sister have the exact same birthday!?

I love you both and I am so happy that I have best friends like you guys! You two mean the world me to and I am beyond grateful that you guys are such big influences in my life. Happy Birthday again!


This is Hunter and I couldn't be more grateful to have her as my friend. Although she thinks this picture is ugly, I love it so she gets to deal with it being on my blog :). I just wanted to take a second to say how much I love and look up to her. Hunter is such an amazing friend and example to me. She takes gorgeous pictures and is an amazing singer. She's pretty much perfect. (JK, but really...) We've been friends since eighth grade. She was the reason I decided to go to Orem High my Sophomore year (best decision i've ever made). She has a heart of gold and is always looking out for others, so selfless. She is always there for me and will be my best friend even if we go a few weeks without talking to or seeing each other. I am seriously so happy I met this girl and that she is apart of my life. I will miss her when she heads off to college in less than a month, but she is going to do AMAZING things. I have no doubt about it.

I love you Sis! Thanks for always being my friend and being an example to me.



today marks the day of this boy's twentieth birthday. davis is so special to me. he is my partner in crime and best friend. he is always is there for me. i look up to him in so many ways. he teaches me something new every single day. he is constantly looking out for me and making sure i am doing the right thing. he is so supportive and loving. i don't know what i would do without this kiddo in my life. i am forever grateful that i we found each other. davis has been there through the good and the bad times. he's seen it all and still wants to stick around! i mean, gosh, how did i get so lucky? i love davis more than words.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVIS CHANDLER. you're the most amazing person. thank you for everything you do for me. thank you for always putting up with me and loving me. i am the happiest girl because of you. i love you. (and your rockin' bod) i hope that your birthday is filled with happiness, because you deserve nothing less than that on your special day. xoxo


today my sister turned twenty eight years old. laci is an amazing sister who is always looking out for me. she is always there for me and is willing to help me with everything i do. she is beautiful inside and out. i love her so much. i am so grateful to have her as my older sister. happy birthday laci! i hope it's amazing.
we went to ruby river to celebrate laci and davis' birthdays with my grandparents
how cute is this??? literally dying because of how adorable my grandparents are.
laci and davis share the same birthday!


my cute mom and i after the 5k
this morning i woke up and headed over to COOPER'S RUN. it is always so much fun and i look forward to it every year. this year, my beautiful mother ran the 5k. her goal was to beat her time from the last time she ran it and she did by SEVEN minutes! so proud of her for reaching her goal. 
my waffle on the left, laci's on the right.
i also got to try waffle love for the first time. the truck was at the run and there was no way to resist ordering a yummy treat. both mine and my sister's waffles were delicious. 
it was fun to spend the morning with this cute birthday girl!! today is my sister's twenty eighth birthday!! {post to come}.
i can't believe that cooper's run 2013 is already at it's end. i am so grateful that i get to be apart of something so great. i love cooper and i love that we get to spend every year remembering him at this event. 



i LOVE these pictures. we weren't doing anything exciting, just hanging around the house and we ended up with these beauties. this boy is so awesome and guess what, he turns 20 on saturday!! i love him and couldn't be more excited for the future. 



yesterday, davis and i went to the hogle zoo. we had been talking about how much we've been wanting to go to the zoo for a while so we finally made it happen. it was so much fun to see the animals. i honestly felt like a five old when i saw a cute animal. it was so exciting. i hadn't been to the zoo in years and it was well worth it. are you ready for a picture overload?
this is how davis poses with food



hunter and i after the parade
it's the time of year again where we get to walk out in the hot sun to promote cooper's run in the steel days parade. i've done eight parades now for cooper's run and it's always something that i look forward to. almost every parade, i get the job of handing out the otter pops. you would think that the kids would be the only ones acting like kids screaming for the otter pops... the adults are even worse. this time around, i didn't hand out otter pops. i got the job of helping pick some lucky children watching the parade to come and try to dunk someone in the dunk tank attached to the back of the float. it was a hoot to say the least.

anyways, cooper's run is next saturday, july 27th. (next saturday is also my lovely boyfriend's AND sister's birthdays yay). be sure to register online (at coopersrun.org) by TONIGHT to get a t-shirt, because you definitely want one. there is something fun for everyone to do so bring the whole family along. this isn't just for serious runners, it's a fun day for all. i can't wait to see you there. 


wednesday morning i was sitting in my kitchen when i received a text message from one of my dearest and sweetest friends ever, ellie. it said, "EVERYONE! i'm opening my mission call tonight at 8. COME." surprised, i texted back, "WHAT? you're going on a mission? why didn't you tell me?" i came to find out she didn't tell anyone, not even her closest of friends. such a typical ellie move. she is such a good secret keeper.
at 8 o'clock i headed over to ellie castle and waited for her to open her mission call. sister smith has been called to serve in auckland, new zealand and will be speaking mandarin chinese! the coolest part, both of ellie's parents spoke mandarin on their missions!
i am so excited for this perfect friend of mine. i couldn't be more grateful for her friendship. she is such an amazing girl and i am so happy that i get to call her one of my best friends.
i love you ellie! congrats!